Author Archives: Pablo Rubianes

Regular LoCo Council Meeting for 21 October 2014

Meeting information #ubuntu-meeting: Regular LoCo Council Meeting for October 2014, 21 Oct at 20:00 — 21:33 UTC Full logs at Meeting summary Opening Business The discussion about “Opening Business” started at 20:00. Listing of Sitting Members of LoCo Council (20:00) For the avoidance of uncertainty and doubt, it is necessary to list the members […]

Call for nominations to the LoCo Council

Hello All, As you may know the LoCo council members are set with a two years term, due this situation we are facing the difficult task of replacing Bhavani. A special thanks to Bhavani for all of the great contributions he had made while serving with us on the LoCo Council. So with that in […]

New SubLoCo Policy

Hi, after a lot of work, thinking and talking about the problem of the LoCo Organization and the SubLoCos, we came up with the following policy: Each team will be a country (or state in the United States). We will call this a ‘LoCo’. Each LoCo can have sub-teams. This sub-teams will be created at […]

LoCo Logo Contest!

Hello all! Here in the LoCo Council we think that out current logos are quite old, so we are opening a proposal for everyone who would like to participate. We are asking you to design one logo for the LoCo Teams and one for the LoCo Council, so we use that logos in all our […]

Get Your LoCo Moving – Global Jam is Coming!

Hey all!, the new Ubuntu Global Jam Edition is coming next 13, 14 and 15 September 2013! So this is a great opportunity to get together and meet other Ubuntu fans and contributors, make new friends in your area, and help to make the next Ubuntu release the best it can be so we can bring […]

LoCo Team REBlogs: My second experience of the Ubuntu LoCo Team re- approval process…

Hi, we are starting the inspiring posts about LoCo teams Re Blog, and to start this here’s the blog post of  Airurando about his experience with the reapproval process. Enjoy! My second experience of the Ubuntu LoCo Team re- approval process. Not as straight forward as the first! Back in the Summer of 2011 my first experience […]

Call for Nominations to the LoCo Council

Hello All, We on the LoCo Council are being faced with the challenge of replacing three of our current Council members. A special thanks to Laura, Chris and Sergio for all of the great contributions they have made while serving with us on the LoCo Council. So with that in mind, we are writing this […]