Ubuntu Global Jam coming soon

It’s that time of the Ubuntu cycle where  Ubuntu Global Jam takes place.  It is an  event in which our global community gets together in their local area to help make Ubuntu better, taking part on line and face to face over one weekend. The Ubuntu Global Jam is a great opportunity to get together and meet other Ubuntu fans and contributors, make new friends in your area, and help to make the next Ubuntu release the best it can be so we can bring Free Software to the masses.

The Ubuntu Global Jam takes place between the 2nd – 4th September 2011.

So what do you need to do to have an event in your area, follow the steps below and if you get stuck, ask for help in #ubuntu-locoteams.

Organising an even can be easy in a few simple steps:

  1. There is a detailed guide to to organising an event.
  2. Please update your loco team page and  add your event to the LoCo Team Portal.
  3. Be sure to tweet/dent/facebook it and use the #ugj#ubuntu, and #locoteams tags so others can see them!
Now who can come…. EASY EVERYONE!
  • Everyone is welcome – anyone is welcome to organise or join an Ubuntu Global Jam event. If you’re not organising one but want to attend contact your local Ubuntu LoCo Team.
  • You don’t have to be technical – There are many ways to take part and attending Ubuntu Global Jam events attract lots of different people, and you don’t have to be a developer or technical to take part. We welcome anyone to come along and take part in your own way.
  • Keep it simple to organise – pick a place to meet up on, agree on a date and time, and tell others about it. That’s it!
  • All LoCo teams are welcome – you don’t have to be an approved LoCo team to organise an event – any LoCo team is welcome!
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