Author Archives: czajkowski

Call for nominations to the LoCo Council

Hello All, We on the LoCo Council are being faced with the challenge of replacing two of our current Council members. A special thanks to Christophe and Efrain for all of the great contributions they have made while serving with us on the LoCo Council. So with that in mind, we are writing this e-mail […]

Coming up with another term for Approved LoCo Teams – Discussion

A topic that comes up frequently on blog posts we’ve seen and also from talking to people is the word “Approved”LoCo it doesn’t empower people at times. The feedback is that the word approved loco is not great to motivate others who have not been approved or at some point were approved and then not approved. […]

Ordering your 12.04 CDs for LoCo Teams is now available

I’m happy to tell you that it is time to submit requests for pre-orders of the new 12.04 Release! As always, please submit your requests via the online form at It is vital that you correctly fill in all the required fields marked with an *. If these fields are left empty or are incorrectly filled in, your […]

Approval / Re approval guidelines updated

One of the main functions of the LoCo Council is to approve/re-approve the great LoCo teams that make up the amazing base of the Ubuntu Community. As such, having quality documentation that tells LoCo teams in a clear fashion the expectations we have of all approved teams is of upmost importance. The LoCo Council, in […]

Egypt LoCo Approved

On March 20th the LoCo Council met and had only one new LoCo team to review for approval; the Egyptian LoCo[0]. The Egyptian LoCo’s approval application[1] was a great example of a quality application as it even included nice graphs to help visualise some of the plans the LoCo is putting into place. With this […]

LoCo Council Oneiric Cycle Review

During the Oneiric cycle the Ubuntu LoCo Council reviewed many teams and dealt with team issues, this post is to explain what the council has done during this cycle and to let people know how they can approach us if needs be. Firstly we had a large re approval of teams this cycle this was […]

Call for LoCo Council Nominations

Thanks to the great work Alan Pope, Christophe Sauthier, Chris Crisafulli and Laura Czajkowski have done in the Ubuntu LoCo Council, in November their term comes to an end. We’d like to thank them for their hard work in the Ubuntu community and continued contributions. I’m writing this mail to ask for volunteers to step […]

How to set up a LoCo Check List

We’ve created a page on the LoCo Directory but also posting the content to our blog so more people can learn about how to set up a loco and the things you should do to help your team. It aims to  help people who want to set up a LoCo Team in their area and the steps they […]

Ordering 11.10 CDs is now open

It’s that time of the cycle again where Approved LoCo Teams get to order free CDs! PLEASE follow these instructions carefully. Note: This applies to APPROVED LOCO TEAMS only, please do not apply if you are not an approved team. PLEASE follow the instructions listed at Read that page and follow the link to Note: […]

Ubuntu 11 .10 Release Parties

It’s this time of year again where we get together in our local communities to celebrate the release of the newest release of Ubuntu. On October 13th 2011 we will celebrate the release of Oneiric Ocelot. With that in mind, lets get all the loco communities out celebrating, having fun and sharing with one another […]