Call for LoCo Council Nominations

Thanks to the great work Alan Pope, Christophe Sauthier, Chris Crisafulli and Laura Czajkowski have done in the Ubuntu LoCo Council, in November their term comes to an end. We’d like to thank them for their hard work in the Ubuntu community and continued contributions.
I’m writing this mail to ask for volunteers to step forward and nominate themselves or another willing person for this position.
The LoCo Council is defined on the wiki. We meet up once a month over IRC to go through items on the team agenda. This typically involves approving new LoCo teams Re Approval of teams, resolving issues within teams, approving LoCo team mailing list requests, and anything else that comes along.
We have the following requirements for nominees:
  – be an Ubuntu member
  – be available during typical meeting times of the council
  – insight into the culture(s) and typical activities within teams is  a plus
Those sitting on the council are people who are insightful:
They are current Ubuntu Members with a proven track record of activity in the community. They have shown
themselves over time to be able to work well with others and display the positive aspects of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. They should be people who can judge contribution quality without emotion while engaging in an interview/discussion that communicates interest, a welcoming atmosphere, and which is marked by humanity, gentleness, and kindness.
To nominate yourself or somebody else, Email the LoCo Council with the nomination  loco-council<at>
Please try to explain your nomination, you reason for wanting to be on the council  and why being there will help the council.
Nominations are open until Friday 4th November, with the CC making the final decision by November 11th.
All nominations will be forwarded to the Community Council who will make the final decision.
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