New Members of the Loco Council

Hello everyone!

The LoCo Council would like to take this opportunity to share with you an announcement of our newest members!  A few weeks ago Paolo and Greg made decisions to step down, this was definitely sad news for us, but we understand and wish them the best. We would like to give many thanks to them both for their great work! 😀

We needed to try and restore the team to six members, and asked the community for nominations. We received many good nominations, but only had two positions available at this time. After we received the nominations we forwarded them on to the Community Council. They have now had a chance to evaluate the nominees, and have came to a decision.

Without further ado, We would now like to introduce you to the new members of the LoCo Council:

– Efrain Valles:

– Bhavani Shankar:

Welcome Efrain and Bhavani, we hope that you’ll have a good time working with us! We would also like give thanks to all of the nominees, as we always have great applicants. The decisions are never easy, when trying to narrow down who’s selected. We hope that those of you who were nominated will consider applying again in the future.

New Member announcement, Originally posted to the ubuntu-news-team mailing list on Tue Oct 2 15:11:58 UTC 2012 by Laura Czajkowski



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