Author Archives: Sergio Meneses

Updating Shippit to the New Term

Hi LocoTeams! In this moment we are working to update the new term -verified- and this change brings some troubles, by instance  the LocoTeams can’t order CDs in this moment, all this is because we are working on the updates to different sites and shippit is one of those. We expect to solve this deal […]

Pablo Rubianes and Marcos Costales appointed to the LocoCouncil

Hello everyone! The LoCo Council would like to take this opportunity to share with you an announcement of our newest members!  A few weeks ago ChristopheSauthier and EfrainValles took the decision  to step down, this was definitely sad news for us, but we understand and wish them the best. We would like to give many thanks to […]

About Ubuntu 13.04 CDs/DVDs

Hi, Many people have been asking about the DVDs as it’s coming close to release time, Canonical have said that they will continue to print the LTS for LoCo teams to request for events, but they will only be printing LTS releases from now on, so there won’t be a 13.04 DVD. Following is the […]

An amazing cycle for the LocoTeams

This has been a really amazing cycle! The Loco Council would like to say congratulations to all teams that have worked this cycle to become approved teams, in our work we have tried to help to the Loco Teams to fix any troubles and share ideas about how their teams are  and how they could […]

Quantal is Almost Here, Organize Your Release Party Now!

Hello Guys! As you know this is a big date for all Ubuntu community, the reason we’re going to celebrate the Ubuntu’s 8th Birthday and the release of Quantal Quetzal. And we hope that you can join us wherever that you are, so maybe you’re thinking: “What do I need to be part of the […]

New Members of the Loco Council

Hello everyone! The LoCo Council would like to take this opportunity to share with you an announcement of our newest members!  A few weeks ago Paolo and Greg made decisions to step down, this was definitely sad news for us, but we understand and wish them the best. We would like to give many thanks […]