Quantal is Almost Here, Organize Your Release Party Now!

Hello Guys!

As you know this is a big date for all Ubuntu community, the reason we’re going to celebrate the Ubuntu’s 8th Birthday and the release of Quantal Quetzal. And we hope that you can join us wherever that you are, so maybe you’re thinking: “What do I need to be part of the party?” The answer is very easy:

Ubuntu Cake

Cake, Drinks and even more!


  • Pick a date: I would recommend either Thu 18th October or the following weekend. Pick a date when you can arrange for a bunch of Ubuntu enthusiasts to be in the same building.
  • Pick a venue:  this can be someone’s back yard, a pub, a university room, a school, a parking lot…wherever. They key thing is not the venue, it is the people. With a venue and date, you are all set to let the world know about it.
  • Add your party to the LoCo Directory. here
  • Let the world know: blog about it, make up some fliers and put them in computers shops / libraries / cafes / educational establishments etc. Encourage a stack of people to come along to your party.


If you want to use Artwork for the party like: posters, brochures, countdowns and even more, you can find a lot of these in the spreadubuntu site: http://spreadubuntu.org/

I'm going to the Ubuntu Release Party

Will you attend the Ubuntu Release Party?

And finally, the most important, have a good time and share your experience with all the world, you can use your own blog and your social networks.

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