Ubuntu LoCo Council Election Results

Dear Ubuntu Community,

we’re happy to report that the five vacant seats on the LoCo Council3 have been, at long last, filled. Your new council members are as follows:

  1. Nathan Haines (incumbent) (@nhaines)
  2. Carla Sella (@carla-sella)
  3. Kyle Fazzari (@kyrofa)
  4. Ken VanDine (@kenvandine)
  5. Gustavo Silva (@gsilvapt)

A big congratulation to them!

The local community project is an international effort which strives to evangelize and support the Ubuntu project around the world. The LoCo Council acts on the delegation of the Community Council to support this worldwide movement. Most notably they have been involved in reviewing verification requests.

The Community Council will be working closely with the LoCo Council in the upcoming months to give new value to both the LoCo project and the LoCo Council itself, so exciting times are ahead!

This post was initially posted on the Ubuntu Community Hub by Martin Wimpress from the Ubuntu Community Council.

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